
Product Inquiry

  2. Products
  3. Sawing machine
  4. SAWMAC SJ-260


Through-type batch sawing - CNC gripper can hold 500mm

The CNC slat saw function enables highly flexible processing and supports the automatic batch processing of imported lists. When processing the same workpiece, it can cut different sizes. The maximum clamping size of the CNC clamp is 50mm, allowing multiple workpieces to be clamped and processed simultaneously. The SAWMAC-SJ260 can be used as an independent solution or integrated into a complete production line. It is particularly suitable for medium and small batch manufacturing.

Equipment highlights

  • Simple workshop programming
  • The NC-controlled sawing feed achieves the best sawing effect.
  • The sawing module adopts a closed design, which greatly reduces noise and dust emissions.
  • The robust and durable design ensures high-precision cutting.